What to Expect

Sedation Instructions

Pre-Operative Instructions for Surgery with IV sedation or Oral sedation.

Eating and Drinking

It is extremely important that patients have an empty stomach prior to anesthesia. Do not have anything to eat for eight (8) hours or anything to drink for four (4) hours before the scheduled appointment. Acceptable drinks include: water, apple juice, Sprite and black coffee. Do not drink milk, milk like products, or orange juice.


Medications should be taken normally and only with a sip of water. For your safety, inform the anesthesiologist and the doctor of all medications you are currently taking.


You should wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes. Preferably, wear a short sleeve blouse or shirt to facilitate blood pressure monitoring. Please remove contact lenses before your appointment.

Change in Health

Any change in your health or medications should be reported to us as soon as possible. Please call the office if you develop a cold or fever. For safety purposes, you may need to be reappointed.

Arriving and Going Home

You must have a responsible person take you home from the appointment. Please use the restroom before starting the procedure. You should also have someone stay with you the rest of the day. Do not take a taxi, Uber, or bus home. Do not operate or drive potentially dangerous equipment for twenty four (24) hours after treatment.

The day of surgery we will go over instructions for post-operative care.


Instructions Following Anesthesia

Eating and Drinking

As soon as your are able, drink plenty of room temperature clear liquids such as water, fruit juice, or Gatorade. This helps reduce and prevent the chance of dehydration, nausea, and vomiting. Eat soft foods when desired. Do no smoke or drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours.

Intravenous Site

A small percentage of patients experience post-operative tenderness and/or redness in their hand or arm which is a local inflammation associated with the intravenous infusion. If this occurs, patients should keep the arm elevated, apply warm moist heat as much as possible and take an anti-inflammatory agent. This condition is self-limiting.

If any other unusual situations arise, please contact the office at 281-392-6000.